Customers make 22% of their purchases online on Amazon. More and more Internet users are buying products online. A third of online buyers search for their products by going directly to the Amazon site, without going through Google. Therefore, brands must be visible in the organic results of the platform in order for Internet users to buy their products. So, how to rank your products higher in Amazon searches?
Amazon has an algorithm, the A9, which must be taken into account in order to maximize the visibility of products in search results. This takes into account sales and customer experience, as a priority. However, several elements must be taken into account, in order to optimize them to improve its SEO on Amazon.
The Importance of the Product Page:
The majority of the elements that count for SEO are in the product page. It is therefore important to know what it involves before seeing its details.
The A9 algorithm therefore takes the following elements into account in the product page:
- Title;
- Bullet-points: the 5 points that Amazon displays to the visitors. They must contain the keywords and information contained in the title, but specifying other qualities of the product in order to influence the future buyer;
- Description;
- Keywords.
1. Title
Making quality titles is important to optimize the positioning of your products on Amazon, and to be visible on the marketplace. Unlike Google, titles on the online sales platform can be up to 200 characters long. This allows more information to be included, but not too much.
According to Amazon, a qualitative title should have this structure:
- Brand name
- Product name
- Main feature
- Product type
- Color
- Size
- Packaging or quantity
The main information should be placed at the start of the title, and the least important at the end. These should allow you to distinguish your product from those of your competitors.
2. Description
This part should not be overlooked if you want to optimize the content and SEO of your brand’s products on Amazon. Inside, you need to insert the right keywords and synonyms, as well as properly structure the paragraphs using sentences and bullet points.
In the product sheet, you can find two types of description: a short one, at the top of the page, and a long one, at the bottom of the page.
- Short description: there is therefore a short description next to the images, which is in the form of bullets. It is used to briefly present the product to the user on the product sheet. The goal is to attract customers to buy the product, thereby increasing the conversion rate.
- Long description: Unlike the short one, the long description can be found further down the product sheet, before customer comments. Also in it, important keywords should appear. It must be well written, and exhaustive, in order to attract more visitors, who are likely to be already interested in the product given the place where the description is located.
3. Images
Images added to a product do not have a direct impact on Amazon’s algorithm. However, the more images, the more the product will be able to be seen by visitors and therefore by the A9. They are really essential to make people want to look at the product sheet and buy it.
For this, Amazon has few recommendations:
- The product must be clearly shown;
- Image must be at least 500 pixels on one side. The best thing is that it measures at least 1000 pixels or more;
- Have a white background to highlight the product
4. Keywords
On Amazon, it is possible to fill 5 different keywords per product, of 50 characters maximum per field, which will be used only for SEO. It is recommended to enter a keyword and synonyms. The first reflex to have a good SEO is to determine the keywords on which you want to position your product. It’s good to know that some generic keywords are not available to brands that have just arrived on the platform. To access it, the algorithm must know it.
The keywords that Amazon suggests in the search bar can be a great source of inspiration. They can give clues to the keywords that users can use to do their research. Visiting the pages of the site can also be an interesting technique to know which keywords the competitors use and to know the spaces which are still free, and their level.
We hope you find the way to rank your products higher in Amazon searches!
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