Best Alternative to Helium 10

Helium 10 vs. Epinium

Best Alternative to Helium 10


In your search for the best software to sell on Amazon, you will probably be interested to know the comparison between a Spanish and an American software, i.e. Helium 10 vs Epinium.

Helium 10 has a variety of tools designed to help sellers find new products to sell on Amazon.

Epinium offers an all-in-one solution for Amazon sellers, with advanced features including SEO auditing, listing optimisation, ad tracking and analysis, Amazon Ads campaign automation, custom FBA stock forecasting, data history and best of all, you get native English support.

¿Es Epinium una alternativa a Helium10?

Elegir un software para vendedores de Amazon no es tarea fácil y menos con la cantidad de soluciones que existen en el mercado.

Para hacer más sencillo este recorrido hemos preparado una comparativa de características entre estas dos herramientas para vendedores de Amazon. De las más destacadas es que Helium 10 proporciona herramientas para el desarrollo en Amazon y la investigación de la competencia pero no te permite subir los cambios ni optimizaciones mediante plataforma sino que debes recolectar las ideas y subirlo vía Seller Central, doble faena.

Desde Epinium acortamos los procesos y cualquier modificación realizada en la plataforma se traslada a Seller Central sin previos pasos, en 2 clicks.

No cabe duda que Helium 10 es una plataforma muy robusta ya que ofrece una suite de herramientas muy amplia para vendedores de Amazon,  pero muchos de los vendedores se ven estancados por falta de soporte nativo y solo le extraen un 5% de utilidad a la plataforma. 

Cabe destacar que invierte todos sus esfuerzos en la captación de nuevos usuarios ubicados en USA. Hay poco interés en poder dar soporte para vendedores de Amazon en lengua hispana. En la actualidad, una de las preocupaciones de los vendedores de Amazon en lengua hispana es poder expresarse con el idioma nativo y otra muy relevante es tener una atención personalizada cuando se requiere. Este último motivo es manifestado en numerosos portales de comparaciones de softwares.

Thousands of brands and agencies trust in Epinium





Jungle Scout

Competition study
Campaign automation via AI
SEO Audit
Modifications without using files
Integration with marketplaces
Catalogue monitoring
Massive changes
Integration of multiple Seller or Vendor accounts
Keyword research
Working with multiple users at once
Amazon Ads Consulting in English
24/7 support in English and Spanish
Buybox checker
Product search & niche analysis
Amazon Ads historical data storage
Listing optimisation with ChatGPT

Main advantages of Amazon Software


Find thousands of keywords

Easily find a product in a robust database of 450 million ASINs and quickly validate your product’s success with at-a-glance analysis such as seasonal trends, earnings estimates and more.

Niche market research

Find out which products are most interesting to launch on Amazon, compare them with the turnover you generate in the category and find the competitors to see if you can absorb a large percentage of the overall turnover.

Mail marketing to get Reviews

This Helium10 functionality allows you to contact the customer to request a review. It is useful to increase the volume of positive reviews and automate the predefined message to contact the end customer.


Auditing and SEO optimisation of listings without files or Seller Central.

Receive an audit of your Amazon account with a list of modifications to be made based on the Amazon Retail Readiness criteria. Optimise your listings (titles, bullets and descriptions) and upload the changes to Amazon without leaving Epinium. In addition, we have developed a tool that automates backend search terms.

Forget downloading reports from Seller Central

Forget about downloading more reports from the advertising console and having to work through them in a spreadsheet. With our Analytics tool you will have all the information you need to understand the performance of your Amazon Advertising campaigns and be able to improve them.

FBA Stock Forecast

Sellers know they can’t ignore Amazon’s shipping recommendations, but manually calculating how much stock to ship can take hours. Thanks to our FBA stock forecast tool, you will know in 1 minute how many units of each product you need to ship.

CRM for Amazon Agencies

We know how complicated it is to manage an agency and even more so with Amazon. That’s why we have developed a unique platform for agencies to have an overview of all associated accounts, manage different users for your team and much more.

Listing optimisation with ChatGPT

Quickly create and improve your Amazon listings using AI to ensure your listings follow the right patterns and contain the relevant keywords for your products. This will result in increased visibility and conversion.

Epinium's most important features

Monitor Amazon Vendor KPI's

By Account, Country, Brand or ASIN

Start your workday with an Amazon Vendor dashboard designed for your success.

Take advantage of it to spot trends and report positive or negative deviation of KPI’s to your team, providing data and graphs on the profitability of your Amazon Vendor account.

This Dashboard features the metrics:

  • Revenue sell out Amazon Vendor.
  • Revenue source: Organic vs Ads (segmented by type of advertising).
  • Best Seller Rank: SEO rankings evolution by country
  • Tacos: Advertising spend vs. total revenue.
  • Sessions to your detail pages
  • Conversion rate: Percentage of users who access your product page and make a conversion.
monitorizacion Amazon

Get an SEO Audit

of your Amazon Vendor Account

Get an SEO audit of your entire account. Epinium takes care of scanning all your ASINs and detecting SEO improvements so you can increase your organic visibility and consequently your sales. We are based on the criteria imposed by Amazon called “Retail Readines”. If you don’t want to improve your listing it’s because you don’t want…

Avoid files and

position your products faster

Individual or mass modifications without having to enter the product file in Amazon Vendor Central or upload a file. Everything from Epinium and sent via API to Vendor Central. Optimisation of all editable fields: titles, bullet points, descriptions, back-end search terms.

Create smart automated campaigns

via Artificial Intelligence

  • Keyword performance-based bid optimisation
  • Bid optimisation based on product segmentation performance
  • Convert search terms into keywords.
  • Allocation of search terms in the different ad groups and campaigns based on performance.
  • Negative search terms in relevant ad groups to obtain new search terms.
  • Balancing the budget across the 4 campaigns with the medium-term goal of allocating the budget to the performance campaign.

Take advantage of graphics to

to report back to your team or client

Data is gold in digital business. Epinium has developed an analytics section so that you can visualise the different Amazon Ads scenarios as quickly as possible.

Visualise performance by:

  • Seller and/or Vendor Accounts
  • Date ranges
  • Performance KPIs
  • By country or accumulated
  • By portfolio
  • Campaign view, ad groups
  • Product segmentations
  • Keywords
  • Advertised products
analizar las palabras claves

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