amazon prime video ads

Dive into Prime Video’s latest advertising innovations

Stepping out of Amazon Ads’ latest update, we’ve distilled essential insights for Spain’s bustling Prime Video market. Starting April 9, a novel ad format rolls out, poised to smartly segment and engage the platform’s 11-million-strong viewership.

Forget the traditional ad playbook; Amazon is dialing up contextual targeting and deep-dive analytics, allowing a strategic pick of your viewer segments. With Amazon’s DSP and analytic tools like AMC at your disposal, unravel the full narrative of your ad’s journey—visibility, reach, and audience resonance are now at your fingertips.

Introduction to Amazon Prime Video ads

In the golden age of streaming, a new player has entered the arena: ads on Amazon Prime Video. Gone are the days of uninterrupted binge-watching; welcome to 2024, where ads have become a part of our streaming ritual. But what’s the deal with Amazon Prime Video ads? Why have they popped up now? Let’s dive into the “whats” and “whys” of Amazon Prime Video ads and see how they’re shaping your viewing experience.

What are Prime Video ads?

Prime Video ads are those little commercial breaks that pop up when you’re streaming on Amazon Prime Video. They can be about anything from Amazon’s own products and services to ads from other companies. Imagine sitting down to watch your favorite show, and before it starts, you see a short ad for the latest smartphone or a sneak peek of a new movie. That’s Prime Video ads in a nutshell.

These ads are Amazon’s way of slipping in some marketing while you enjoy your movie night. They’re not just random interruptions; they’re tailored to catch your interest, based on what Amazon knows about what you like to watch and buy. It’s a smart move by Amazon, blending advertising seamlessly into your viewing experience, making sure they’re showing you stuff that’s likely to pique your interest.

Why does Amazon Prime Video have ads now?

Amazon Prime Video introduced ads as a smart solution to a tricky problem: how to keep churning out the high-quality content we all love without making us fork over more cash for our subscriptions. The cost of making shows and movies has shot up, and rather than passing those costs directly onto us, Amazon has opted to weave in some ads here and there.

This move is all about balance. By incorporating ads, Amazon can continue to invest in the kind of content that makes Prime Video a go-to streaming service, without bumping up the price tag for its viewers. It’s a way of keeping the service affordable for a broad audience, while also opening up a new revenue stream that can support the platform’s growth and content diversity.

In a nutshell, the ads you see on Prime Video are Amazon’s way of ensuring that they can keep delivering top-notch entertainment to your screens, without compromising on affordability or quality. It’s a bit of give and take— a few ads in exchange for a wealth of entertainment options at your fingertips.

Why do you see ads on Amazon Prime 2024?

In 2024, the streaming world is all about options, and Amazon Prime Video’s introduction of ads is a testament to that. It’s about giving you the choice between an all-you-can-watch buffet at a wallet-friendly price (with a side of ads) or the ad-free experience for a bit more dough. This change acknowledges that not everyone wants to pay premium prices, and some of us are okay with a few ads if it means keeping a little extra cash in our pockets.

The rise of ads on Prime Video also signals a shift in viewer habits and expectations. We’re used to ads on social media and free apps; now, they’re just part of the streaming mix, too. It’s a trade-off many are willing to make, especially when it means access to Amazon’s ever-growing catalog of shows, movies, and exclusive content.

Moreover, by 2024, technology has gotten even better at making sure these ads aren’t just random interruptions but are tailored to your interests. So, while you might see ads, there’s a good chance they’re showing you something you might actually want to watch or buy.

In essence, ads on Amazon Prime Video in 2024 are about keeping your subscription affordable, giving you choices, and making the ad experience as relevant and unobtrusive as possible. It’s a new way of watching, but it’s all in the service of providing more content, more flexibility, and more options to viewers like you.

Understanding Prime Video ads

Ads on Prime Video are not just about interruption; they’re a carefully thought-out element of the platform’s user experience. Let’s peel back the curtain on what content includes ads, who’s placing them, where they appear, and how you can interact with them.

What content includes ads?

On Prime Video, ads tend to pop up more frequently alongside free-to-watch or non-premium content. This means that if you’re diving into the vast sea of movies and shows available at no extra cost beyond your Prime membership, you’re more likely to encounter these commercial breaks. The content that falls under this ad-supported category is quite diverse, giving you access to a wide range of genres and options, from classic films to the latest TV shows.

However, it’s not just about padding out the free sections with ads. Even within the premium segments of Prime Video, select titles might feature ads, especially if they’re part of a promotional push or a special event. This strategy helps Amazon highlight new releases or under-the-radar content that viewers might not discover otherwise.

To sum up, while not every show or movie on Prime Video will include ads, a significant portion of the platform’s more accessible content does. This approach helps keep the subscription cost down for users while still offering a rich library of content to explore.

Who can use ads on Prime Video?

The ecosystem of ads on Prime Video caters to two main groups:


Companies and marketers see Prime Video as a golden opportunity to reach a diverse and engaged audience. Here’s why:

  • Broad Reach: Prime Video has millions of subscribers globally, offering advertisers a massive audience.
  • Targeted Advertising: Thanks to Amazon’s deep data on shopping and viewing habits, ads can be tailored to the interests and preferences of specific viewer segments, making them more effective.
  • Brand Visibility: Being associated with premium content on a popular platform like Prime Video boosts brand recognition and credibility.
  • Global Reach: Initially launching in the US, ads will expand to international markets like the UK, Canada, Germany, and Austria in February 2024. France, Italy, Spain, and Mexico are set to follow in spring, with Australia joining by the end of the year.


While you might not think of yourself as “using” ads, they do impact your viewing experience in several ways:

  • Content Discovery: Ads can introduce you to products, services, and even new shows or movies that you might be interested in.
  • Subscription Cost: Indirectly, by watching ads, you’re contributing to keeping subscription costs down. The revenue from ads helps fund new content creation and maintain the platform.
  • Feedback Opportunity: Viewers have the chance to provide feedback on ads, influencing the types and quality of ads Prime Video decides to show.

Prime Video ads serve a dual purpose: helping advertisers reach their ideal customers and supporting the platform in offering a rich, affordable viewing experience. Whether you’re watching these ads or creating them, they’re an integral part of the Prime Video ecosystem.

Where will your ads appear?

When you’re navigating through the vast ocean of content on Prime Video, ads might pop up in a couple of different spots. The most common places you’ll see these ads are right before your chosen show or movie kicks off, serving as a sort of appetizer before the main course. 

Sometimes, if you’re watching a longer piece of content, you might also encounter ads during natural breaks in the action—think of it like the intermission during a play, giving you a moment to breathe and maybe even discover something new. 

Prime Video is pretty smart about where and when they place these ads, aiming to strike a balance between keeping them noticeable without letting them overshadow the content you’re actually there to watch. The goal is to make these ad moments feel as natural and unobtrusive as possible, enhancing your viewing experience rather than detracting from it.

How can you access ads on Prime Video?

Accessing advertising opportunities on Prime Video is a streamlined process, whether you’re looking to dive into the world of digital advertising for the first time or you’re an experienced marketer looking to expand your reach. Amazon has made it accessible through two main service packages via the Amazon Demand-Side Platform (DSP): managed services and self-service options. Here’s how to get started:

  • Managed Services: If you opt for managed services, Amazon offers a hands-on approach where you get direct support from your team. To set this process in motion, advertisers need to fill out a form to initiate contact. This route is ideal for those who prefer a guided advertising experience, allowing Amazon experts to help create and optimize their campaigns.
  • Self-service: For those who prefer a more hands-on approach to managing their campaigns, the self-service option through Amazon DSP allows advertisers to take the reins. By registering through a dedicated link provided by Amazon, advertisers can directly set up, manage and adjust their campaigns. This option is suitable for those who already have a clear strategy and are comfortable navigating the DSP platform.

Both avenues offer a gateway to Prime Video’s diverse and engaged audience, allowing advertisers to place their ads. 

Creative requirements for Prime Video Ads

When it comes to creating ads for Prime Video, there’s a playbook you need to follow to ensure your content hits the mark. Your ads should be high-definition, sharp, and formatted correctly to meet Amazon’s standards. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Resolution & Quality: Aim for 1080p to match the high-definition expectation of Prime Video viewers.
  • File Formats: Stick to Amazon-friendly formats like MPEG or MP4 to ensure compatibility.
  • Timing: Keep your ads concise. The sweet spot is between 15-30 seconds, long enough to convey your message but short enough to keep the viewer’s attention.
  • Relevance: With Amazon’s targeted advertising, your ads should be as relevant as possible to the viewer’s interests.

By adhering to these guidelines, you ensure your ads complement the premium content on Prime Video while engaging the viewer effectively.

Navigating with Inventory Hub on Prime Video Ads

Inventory Hub is Amazon Prime Video’s solution to simplifying ad management. It’s neatly organized into three tabs—Discovery, Inventory Groups, and Insights—each offering unique tools to enhance the ease and effectiveness of handling your ads.


This is where you kick things off. You’ll use this tab to filter and sift through various ad offers, finding those that align perfectly with your campaign goals. It’s like having a crystal ball that only shows you the most promising ad opportunities.

Inventory Groups

Say you’ve got a bunch of ads you know you want to keep on rotation. Inventory Groups is where you can organize these ads into targetable groups, making activation on the line item level as smooth as silk.


After you’ve got your ads out in the world, the Insights tab is your go-to spot for performance metrics. It’s all about understanding how your ads are doing in the wild—what’s resonating with viewers, and perhaps more importantly, what’s not.

Prime perks for Ad buyers

Dive into the perks of Amazon Prime Video ads, crafted to enhance your ad selection and management journey:

  • Filters for Effortless Deal Hunting: Navigate through the ad offers with ease using filters that cater to your campaign’s aims.
  • Ready-to-roll Marketplace Deals: Pluck from a treasure trove of Amazon-curated ad deals, all ripe and ready for the picking.
  • Grouping Your Inventory Like a Pro: Assemble your ad deals into nifty groups for slick campaign activation.
  • Measuring Ad Success: Keep tabs on your ad performance across the vast Amazon DSP landscape for sharp insights into your investment.

Getting started with Inventory Hub

Ready to dip your toes into Prime Video Ads? Inventory Hub is your trusty sidekick, making the initiation as smooth as peanut butter:

  • Discovery Tab: Your first pit stop for picking out Prime Video Deals.
  • Deal Selection or Inventory Group Creation: Customize your ad strategy with tailored deals or crafted inventory groups.
  • Line Item Crafting and Activation: Seamlessly integrate and kickstart your ad deals.
  • Insights Analysis: Lean back and watch as the Insights tab spells out your ad performance.

Fine-tuning your Prime Video Ad campaigns

Adjusting your targeting strategy is crucial when setting up Prime Video ad campaigns. Here’s a rundown of best practices to get the most out of your ads:

  • Flexibility Is Key: Prime Video ad spaces are precious, often offering more limited but higher-quality audience segments compared to the wider nets cast in open auctions. Therefore, it’s beneficial to be more flexible with your targeting constraints. This could mean easing up on strict frequency caps or expanding your block/allow lists.
  • Pre-Set Your Targets: Work out as many targeting parameters as possible before your campaign goes live. Negotiating these details upfront helps prevent overly restrictive settings that could hamper your ad’s performance.

In terms of specific targeting capabilities within the Amazon DSP for Prime Video, here’s what you should consider:

  • Device Type and Location Targeting: Both of these are fully available and considered best practice to utilize. They help ensure your ad reaches the right audience on the right devices and in the right places.
  • Content Targeting: Ratings and genre exclusions are also at your disposal and recommended. They allow you to align your ads with content that complements your brand or to steer clear of content that doesn’t.
  • Other Targeting Options: While there are several other targeting options available, not all are recommended for the best results in Prime Video deals. For instance, although you can target by streaming TV app, video initiation type, video ad format, and even player size, these aren’t typically advised as they may not be the most effective use of your ad spend on this platform.

The overarching theme is to ensure that your targeting strategy is as effective as possible without being so narrow that it limits your ad’s potential reach and impact. Aim for the sweet spot where quality and scale intersect to get the most out of your Prime Video ad campaigns.

Amazon Prime Video Ads – A fresh take for advertisers

Amazon Prime Video Ads have revved up the advertising scene. It’s a clever combo of impressive ad management tools and in-depth analysis capabilities, all wrapped up in the familiar package of Amazon’s platform. Whether you’re launching ads or basking in the latest show, Prime Video’s ad ecosystem is designed to enhance both the viewer’s and advertiser’s experience.

Are you ready to dive into the world of digital advertising with Amazon? Unlock the full potential of your advertising strategy with our Amazon DSP Ebook. Whether you’re an expert or just starting out, our guide provides you with valuable information and a step-by-step guide on how to make the most of Amazon DSP to reach your target audience effectively. 

Download our Amazon DSP eBook now and start transforming your advertising approach today!

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