If your business is already on Amazon or you want to get started in this Marketplace, Amazon Brand Registry is a vital step.
With such registration, you will prevent other users from using your trademark, or even from registering it before you and, therefore, you will be forced to change the name of your trademark.
Once you have registered your brand, you will be able to create a reputation around your brand and gain credibility with consumers.
If you wish to initiate the process you can do so through Amazon Brand Registry where you can legally identify yourself to customers in your marketplace.
What is the Amazon Brand Registration?
In May 2017, Amazon launched a new and improved brand registration system designed to help brand owners protect their brands and create a streamlined customer experience by providing access to unique tools for reporting infringement, creating marketing content and generating reports.
So, Amazon Brand Registration is a new and improved registry for brand owners that helps ensure a rigorous and reliable customer experience on Amazon while protecting your intellectual property.
Why Amazon Brand Registration is it important?
As a trademark owner, Amazon’s trademark registration makes it easy for you. It provides you with tools to help you protect your brand by giving it a more professional image. It also provides greater access to advertising systems to increase your brand awareness on Amazon.
What are the benefits of Amazon Brand Registration?
Once your brand is registered, Amazon offers greater control over it. You will have a Brand Dashboard where you can see how your brand is doing, as well as get access to different sections that will help you understand the situation.
Securing your brand
At the end of the process, your brand and products are insured against possible intellectual property infringements, counterfeiting of your products or even harmful advertisements. For all this, sellers have the possibility of:
- Conduct global investigations of both images and ASINs to examine, detect and report violations.
- A team of investigators who operate on a 24-hour basis and act within 24 hours in 95% of cases.
- Reporting problems with your listings, which may include incorrect product details or blocked listings.
A+ content access
If there is one feature of the Amazon Brand Registry that stands out for its usefulness, it is the A+ Content Manager.
In this section the seller can add value and improve the content of their brand. How? This section allows you to add more text, images, infographics and unique modules to your listings, as well as a more professional and differentiated description.
In short, this section allows the seller to improve the perception of his brand and give it a much more professional look.
Differentiate from the competition
Another advantage of registering in the Amazon Brand Registry is the possibility of creating a section that simulates a website within Amazon. With this, users who visit it will only access your products, so the rivalry with the competition will disappear completely in that section.
Sponsored Brands
Sposnored Brands is one of the types of ads that brands can run on Amazon.
These ads are displayed at the top of the page in the search results and are a great way to give visibility to the brand.
Sponsored Brands have advantages, since they appear once the user is looking for a product related to the one you are selling on Amazon, so your product can be a solution to their problem.
On the other hand, if the user decides to click on your logo, shown in the ad, it will take them directly to your brand’s website within Amazon, so the user will interact directly with your brand.
Understand your clients
In order to optimize your sales and improve your results, you must be able to understand your customers in order to provide them with what they really need.
The Amazon Brand Registry provides metrics of the customer base in which the seller obtains relevant information, such as the analysis of the buying behavior of users to make marketing strategies and draw better conclusions from the marketing campaigns you conduct.
Or a summary of the performance of the keywords you use for your brand in relation to the keywords used by customers. As well as other metrics such as purchase rate, cart addition rate or click-through rate.
How much does Amazon Brand Registration cost?
The cost of registering your trademark with Amazon Trademark Register varies by country.
Currently, the price in Spain is €39 excluding IVA.
How do I register?
1. Sign up
Access the Amazon Brand Registry to start the registration process.
2.Country selection
Select the country where you want to register your trademark, remember that each country has its own characteristics and requirements!
3.Register your brand
In this section you will be able to register your trademark if it already exists or you will be able to register a new trademark if it is your case.
Fill in all the requested fields with the information of the requested mark and correctly.
In the account information section it is important to make Amazon understand what product you are going to sell. So select a category according to your product and place the ASIN of the winning product in that category. This will speed up the acceptance process.
In the last section, distribution information, you must notify Amazon if your brand is sold to distributors, in which countries it is distributed or if you provide commercial licenses to other companies to work under your brand.
5.Send the registration
Once you have finished filling out and submitting all the data, it is time to send the application.
How long does it take to get my brand approved?
The Amazon Trademark Registration process will not take more than 10 minutes if you have all the necessary data. You just need to fill in the form.
Subsequently, after 24 hours you should receive an acceptance or denial through a message.
If after this period you have not been notified, you can see the result in the Reports section, then go to the inventory reports and active listing report section, finally go to the product identification column.
This is where you will be able to check if the registration was denied, as you will see an ASIN number, or if the registration was accepted where you will see a GCID number.
Amazon Brand Registration is definitely an advantage offered by the Marketplace that every seller should take advantage of. Start registering your brands and products and get new sales!