1. What are Mass Editions for advertising on Amazon?

Mass Editions for Amazon advertising is an Epinium feature that provides access to various performance metrics and reports. Bulk edits allow us to create, manage and optimize campaigns all at once.

We can perform any of the following editions: Create multiple campaigns and ad groups, add new ads, keywords and product targets (ASIN Targeting), pause campaigns, ad groups, keywords and product targets ,adjust budgets at Portfolio and Campaign level, adjust bids at ad group and keyword level, archive campaigns, ad groups, keywords and product targets.

But we cannot change the names of campaigns or ad groups through bulk edits and create or adjust sponsored display campaigns in bulk.

2. Is it worth learning how to use Mass Editions for advertising on Amazon ?

If we have a large volume of campaigns or a large number of changes to make, it can really save us a lot of time to use bulk edits for advertising on Amazon.

If you’re new to the world of Amazon advertising, it’s probably too complicated, but with the help of our experts and advisors you can find out how the tool works and how campaigns perform best.

3. We use massive editions to…

Create new campaigns

To do so, we will have the option to generate a multi-campaign strategy with the ad groups that we believe convenient according to the different product ranges. We will see four tabs in Epinium:

  • Portfolios
  • Sponsored brand campaigns, sponsored display campaigns or sponsored product campaigns.
Campañas Amazon

We choose any of the three types of campaign we want to create. To create the new campaign, we will need some information:

  • Type of record: Campaign
  • Daily campaign budget
  • Campaign start date
  • Campaign end date
  • Campaign targeting type: Auto or Manual
  • Campaign status
  • If we use the “Activated” status, campaign will be activated when it is updated. If we are not ready to activate it yet, it is recommended to use the “Paused” status.
  • Bidding strategy: Dynamic bidding (increase only), Dynamic bidding (increase or decrease) or Fixed bidding.

The goal of Mass Editions is to create and update en masse, which means we will likely have a time savings of over 80%.

We have a “Status” column to keep us up to date on whether the archive has passed successfully or not, as well as the number of rows (or, in this case, campaigns) that have been processed. If there were any errors, Epinium will provide us with a report of the errors so that we can resolve them.

Add ad groups

We will download the same template file to add ad groups to campaigns through bulk operations. For this we need:

  • Record type: Ad group
  • Campaign: Campaign name. The campaign name must match Amazon’s campaign name to ensure the file is processed correctly.
  • Ad Group: Name of the ad group.
  • Maximum bid
  • Ad Group Status
Grupo anuncio Amazon

Add ads or SKUs

The base information here is very similar to the other steps:

  • Type of registration: Advertisement
  • Campaign: Name of the “official” campaign to which the ad must belong.
  • Ad group: Name of the ad group to which the ad must belong
  • SKU
  • Status: Activated
  • We should note that you are using the SKU information, NOT the ASIN information.
ASIN Amazon

Include keywords or targets in the ASIN

To add ASINs we will have to create a separate ad group, as each ad group can only target either keywords or ASINs (not both). It is generally recommended to create a separate campaign for ASIN targeting, so that we can measure its effectiveness more directly.

To add keywords, we must fill in the following:

  • Type of record: Keyword
  • Campaign: The name of the campaign to which this keyword belongs.
  • Ad Group: Again, the names must match.
  • Maximum bid
  • Ad group status
Keywords Amazon

When adding ASIN targets, we will need a little more information:

  • Campaign: Exact match Campaign name.
  • Ad group
  • Maximum bid
  • Keywords or target product: Here we will have to be quite exact. Each entry must start “asin=INSERTASIN”.
  • Target Product ID: This will be the same as we have entered in the “Target Keyword or Product” column.
  • Match type: Expression for the target.
Lista ASIN Amazon

Pause or archive campaigns/ad groups/ads (SKUs)/targets

Here we will focus on the “Status” columns of the updates. The status will be set to “Paused” or “Archived”.

There are a few things to keep in mind:

If we are pausing or archiving a campaign, all elements within this campaign (such as ad groups, ads and targets) will be paused or archived automatically.
If we pause or archive an ad group, this works for the ads and targets in the ad group, but will not affect other ad groups within the campaign.
Archiving any entity, including campaigns, means we are 100% done with the entity. Archived items cannot be resumed and we will have to recreate them if we return to the entity in the future.

Pausar o Activar campañas Amazon

Optimize bids and budget

Bulk edits also serve for the optimization of your ad campaigns, especially in terms of bid adjustments. These settings come with the data set itself.

  • Date range: In the drop-down menu, we will see some data options. It is recommended to optimize the bids based on data from the last 30 days.
  • Terminated campaigns: If we have this box checked when downloading, we will not have terminated campaigns included in the spreadsheet. We will not see any campaigns that have ended, been paused, archived or rejected. We will exclude these campaigns to focus on optimizing active campaigns only.
  • Campaigns with zero impressions: By default, this data is excluded whenever we have checked that box. Campaigns with zero impressions are not effective and need to be optimized.
  • Campaign placement data: shows us where your ads are being placed: All, Top of search, Product detail page, etc. This way, we can focus on optimizing certain campaign placements to ensure maximum visibility and conversion.
  • Brand asset data: By default, this information is excluded. Let’s not include it in the download so we can focus on performance metrics and not creative assets.
Optimizar Pujas Amazon

Important metrics

The metrics we are most interested in reviewing are Cost Per Click (CPC), Click Through Rate (CTR) and Conversion Rate (CVR). Based on these figures, we can make adjustments to bids to ensure that our campaigns are running effectively, efficiently and profitably.

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