Why use Mass Editions for advertising on Amazon?

1. What are Mass Editions for advertising on Amazon? Mass Editions for Amazon advertising is an Epinium feature that provides access to various performance metrics and reports. Bulk edits allow us to create, manage and optimize campaigns all at once. We can perform any of the following editions: Create multiple

How to optimize videos for products on Amazon?

1. Why use product videos on Amazon? Amazon’s goal is to create a seamless shopping experience, and it provides us third-party sellers with a number of tools to help us enhance that experience for customers. Through product videos on Amazon, customers can actually see how a product works, how it

How to use search terms on Amazon?

1. What are the search terms on Amazon? Amazon search terms are strings of keywords a shopper types into Amazon search to find a product. Search terms are known as backend keywords because they are hidden in the backend of the Amazon listing. Amazon will connect the customer’s search terms

Optimize images for products on Amazon

How can we optimize images on Amazon? One of the most relevant elements to boost online sales is to optimize images on Amazon, since it is the first point that catches our attention at first, both in Amazon results and within the product data sheet. Then we would continue to

Keyword Research en Amazon

How to do Keyword Research on Amazon?

What is Keyword Research on Amazon? Keyword research on Amazon is an important part of your Amazon FBA product success in 2022, although this part may seem a little nerve-wracking to do. How can we get started? What keywords should we use? Amazon A9 search engine Amazon is only a


Bullet Points Effective on Amazon

What are the Bullet Points in Amazon? Amazon’s Bullet Points are short phrases that collect the main features of a product and are displayed on the product detail page, just below the product name and price, and therefore in a very relevant position. How to create bullet points on Amazon

Amazon ASIN | What is it and what do you need it for?

Si queréis empezar a vender en Amazon no podéis no conocer a el ASIN. El código ASIN de Amazon Amazon Standard Identification Number, es una combinación de letras y números que sirve como identificador único para cada producto vendido a través de la plataforma.

How to become Amazon’s choice?

When we have an online business, we must know the different ways that exist for our consumers to trust us. In this way, users will be more inclined to buy our products before the competition. Product reviews, other customers’ shopping experience and product feedback can help the user decide to

How to register your trademark on Amazon?

For sellers on Amazon, protecting products with trademarks is critical to the success of your business. If you are going to sell on Amazon you must know and be able to guarantee the intellectual property of your brand or work. Do you know how to register your brand on Amazon?

Amazon Renewed

What is Amazon Renewed?

Amazon Renewed is a program that allows you to sell high-quality certified refurbished products to millions of customers on Amazon, both domestic and international. In order to be part of this program, you must follow a series of requirements. What are certified refurbished products on Amazon Renewed? These are all


What is the Amazon Buy Box?

Dicho sensillamente, la Buy Box de Amazon es la gallina de los huevos de oro. De hecho más del 78% de las ventas totales de Amazon se realizan dentro de la Buy Box, y esa es la razón por la que éste representa un inmenso valor a cualquier vendedor competitivo

Que es el Acos

What is ACoS | Measuring Your Advertising Campaigns?

Junto a la métrica Roas tenemos otra métrica muy importante que es el ACoS. Si eres un vendedor de Amazon no puedes no conocer a esta métrica. Por lo contrario, si nunca habías oído hablar de esto, ahora vamos a explicarla mas en detalle.


ROAS and ROI | What is ROAS and Why is it Important?

¿Por qué es importante conocer las métricas del marketing digital para medir en Amazon? Las métricas de marketing te dan una pista de si tu campaña está alcanzando los KPI establecidos anteriormente o no.

como vender en Amazon

How to Sell on Amazon through Amazon Seller Central

Si estás buscando una manera para ampliar tu negocio pero no tienes recursos suficientes para invertir en tu actividad, Amazon puede ser una oportunidad. Aprender como vender en Amazon no es tan difícil ni siquiera necesita mucho para invertir.

Que es Amazon FBA

What is Amazon FBA?

¿FBA?¿FBM? ¿A qué se refieren estas siglas? Si no lo sabes, no te preocupes. Estos son terminos utilizado en el mundo de Amazon. FBM significa "Fullfield by Merchant", por el otro lado FBA significa "Fullfield By Amazon". Hoy te Explicaremos como funciona Amazon FBA, pero en primer lugar te explicaremos

Amazon Store

What is an Amazon Store?

¿Eres vendedor y estás pensando en cómo incrementar tus ventas? Atraer nuevos clientes? O empezar a vender online? Ya has eschudado hablar sobre la Amazon Store? Pues, ¡esto te va a interesar!

How to Do an Amazon Seller Competitor Analysis

With thousands and thousands of sellers active on this Marketplace, it is important to know what are your competitors and what are they doing in order to get ahead and be successful. This means, you have to know how to do an Amazon seller competitor analysis in order to find

How to Work with Amazon Backend Keywords

Amazon backend keywords are keywords you can't use in your product title or description because they don't make sense in the sentence or because you have reached the maximum amount of characters you can tape, or because of many other reasons. These type of keywords are hidden to customers who


Acos vs TAcos: Differences and Relationships

All Amazon sellers who create payment campaigns on Amazon have heard of ACoS, but recently, more and more people are talking about TACoS, which has some key differences from Acos.

Amazon SPN | Connect with Amazon service providers

Amazon created an Amazon Service Providers Network (Amazon SPN) to connect both companies that know the world of Amazon very well and the strategies to get the most out of an account and sellers who want to make the most of it.