7 Amazon PPC tips for 2020

In today’s blog post we will be giving some tips about Amazon PPC, very useful for brands that are selling on Amazon.  If your company brand is selling on Amazon, then an Amazon pay-per-click (PPC) campaign might just be the most suitable option for you. Amazon PPC allows your company

How to use Epinium for Amazon Advertising Management? Tutorial #3

Managing different campaigns in different marketplaces can be challenging, but Amazon Advertising Management couldn’t be easier with Epinium! .You have all the features and metrics as on Seller Central. As you can see from the image below, with the view button  the information of the campaign displays: All Keywords and

tutorial epinium

How to use Epinium for Amazon PPC? Tutorial #2

Before we go deeper into how to use Epinium for Amazon PPC, let’s have a brief overview of how we are conducting PPC campaigns: Manage the Portfolios and budgets Creating campaigns Remove non-converting keywords Increase bids for high-performing keywords So, how to use Epinium fo Amazon PPC? Launch campaigns to

amazon advertising

How to Do Amazon Advertising Campaign Report?

In this article, we will start, first, by talking about the basics of amazon advertising, then we will  be talking about  how to do Amazon advertising campaign report, in order to track the results. Who has never visited the Amazon site? An essential e-commerce platform, it is however often neglected

What is Amazon PPC Campaign?

If created and managed properly, an Amazon Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaign on Amazon can help you sell more products faster, while increasing your organic rankings. On top of that, Amazon’s sponsored ads program is pretty simplistic, especially considering the amount of developers Amazon hires every year … However, the simplicity of


Amazon Seo Success case:Burrito Blanco

A well-known home-textile brand multiplied its sales a 449% in less than 3,5 months thanks to improving Amazon SEO in Epinium Analytics. Burrito Blanco is a success case with respect to Amazon Seo optimization using the Epinium software. It is a Spanish home-textile brand that started commercializing home fabrics 60

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